WPAOG Nominating Policy
West Point graduates can apply to Serve as a Director on WPAOG’s Board of Directors or an Advisor-at-Large on WPAOG’s Advisory Council.
Thank you for your interest in serving on your association’s Board of Directors or Advisory Council. You must be a West Point graduate to apply. This year the Nominating Committee will nominate one Chair, one Vice Chair, five Directors, and six Advisor-at-Large. The terms for each position are three years. An individual may serve a maximum of nine consecutive years. Remember that you must re-apply at the end of each term to be considered for another term. You may apply for both positions.
Completed nomination packets must be received at WPAOG no later than the deadline of July 1. For questions, please contact Laurie Fontana at laurie.
Click on the links below for more details on the process:
- Required Documentation
- Responsibilities of the Chair
- Responsibilities of the Vice Chair
- Responsibilities of a Director
- Responsibilities of an Advisor
- Board Nominating Committee
- Bylaws Requirements
Required Documentation
1. Information Form (Download, fill out, and save in PDF format).
2. A nomination letter (signed) from a USMA graduate (other than you). The letter should be addressed to the West Point Association of Graduates, Chair, Nominating Committee, 698 Mills Road, West Point, NY 10996. The letter must specify which position the nominator is nominating the graduate for (Chair, Vice Chair, Director, Advisor-at-Large, or both Director and Advisor-at-Large), i.e. “I nominate XX for a Director position.” Nominators should address the nominee’s character, leadership, service, experience, and skills. There is an expectation that the nominee embodies the Academy’s motto of “Duty, Honor, Country.” The nomination letter will not exceed 2 pages, single-spaced, 12-point clear font.
3. A separate letter from you, the nominee. Your signed letter (including all required information and any additional support) will not exceed 3 pages and must be single-spaced with at least a 12-point clear font and at least a half-inch margin. Your letter must specifically state the following:
- Your desire to serve or to continue to serve, and the position(s) for which you wish to be nominated.
- Discuss in greater detail your career representation and participation in WPAOG activities that you listed on the information form.
- A summary of your qualifications to serve as Chair, Vice Chair, Director, or Advisor-at-Large. This summary should highlight those aspects of your background and experience that demonstrate how you will contribute to achieving the mission and vision of WPAOG as well as the goals and objectives of WPAOGs Strategic Plan. Nominees for Director should demonstrate their understanding of the role and responsibilities of a non-profit Board of Directors and a record of success and accomplishments in organizational leadership positions.
4. A one-page resume, to include post-graduate education (this does not count as part of your 3-page letter).
5. Letters of endorsement that either accompany your packet or arrive separately shall be confined to a single page. One endorsement letter is required, three additional endorsement letters are optional. A total of no more than four letters of endorsement will be accepted. Endorsers do not need to be West Point graduates.
6. A recent headshot in civilian clothes that is suitable for publication on the WPAOG website. JPG or PNG.
7. You will also be required to fill out a Conflict of Interest form which will be sent to you from AOG after we receive your nomination packet.
8. Submit your completed nomination packet via email no later than July 1, to Laurie Fontana at laurie.
Responsibilities of the Chair
The Chair shall be the principal Officer of the Association, and as such shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors, the Advisory Council, and at Special Meetings of the Association. The Chair shall be a member of the Advisory Council, with all rights, including voting rights, of an Advisor. Annually, the Chair shall render a report on the state of affairs of the Association. The Chair shall perform such other duties as the Board shall prescribe.
Responsibilities of the Vice Chair
The Vice Chair shall be the principal deputy to the Chair of the Association and, as such, shall assist the Chair in the discharge of his or her duties, act in the Chair’s name where so directed, and perform such other duties as the Chair shall direct. The terms of the Chair and Vice Chair shall be coterminous. The Vice Chair shall be a member of the Advisory Council with all rights, including voting rights, of an Advisor. The Vice Chair shall perform such other duties as the Board shall prescribe.
Responsibilities of a Director
1. Act in the role of a fiduciary and adhere, from a legal perspective to the three standards: Duty of Care, Duty of Loyalty, and the Duty of Obedience.
2. Serve as an outstanding role model by exhibiting selfless leadership and undisputed integrity that personifies the ideals of “Duty, Honor, Country.”
3. Demonstrate commitment to the Mission of WPAOG (To serve West Point and the Long Gray Line) and support the Vision of WPAOG (For the Long Gray Line to be the Most Highly Connected Alumni Body in the World.)
4. Be accountable for timely attendance at all Board, Committee, and Task Force meetings.
5. Commit the time, energy, and personal resources to attend all meetings well prepared to actively engage in thoughtful and meaningful discussion. The Board meets four times in person, twice at West Point, and twice at other locations. Committee and Task Force meetings are held in person or virtually.
6. Exhibit stewardship by participating in annual fundraising campaigns in a manner that is personally significant and assists in donor cultivation and solicitation, as needed.
7. Share knowledge by mentoring less-experienced board members and graduates and be willing to be mentored by board members with more experience.
Responsibilities of an Advisor
1. Serve as an outstanding role model by exhibiting selfless leadership and undisputed integrity that personifies the ideals of “Duty, Honor, Country.”
2. Demonstrate commitment to the mission of WPAOG (To serve West Point and the Long Gray Line) and support the vision of WPAOG (For the Long Gray Line to be the most highly connected alumni body in the world.)
3. Be accountable for timely attendance at all Advisory Council, Committee, and Task Force meetings.
4. Commit the time, energy, and personal resources to attend all meetings well prepared to actively engage in thoughtful and meaningful discussion. The Advisory Council meets twice in person at West Point. Once in the spring and once in the fall. Committee and Task Force meetings are held in person or virtually.
5. Exhibit stewardship by participating in annual fundraising campaigns in a manner that is personally significant and assists in donor cultivation and solicitation, as needed.
Board Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is comprised of thirteen members, eight who are designated members and chosen by Classes and Societies. The Committee selects nominees to fill the open Director and Advisor at Large positions. The nominees will be presented to the Regular Members for the annual election. The Committee does not report to the Board of Directors. They report their results directly to the membership.
Bylaws Requirements
1. Board of Directors: In addition to the Chair, the Vice Chair, and the President and Chief Executive Officer, the Board of Directors shall include not fewer than 12 or more than 16 Directors to be elected by the Regular Members. Each year the Board shall determine the number of Directors to be elected by the Regular Members at that year’s Annual Meeting.
2. Advisory Council: The Advisory Council is made up of 54 members. One-third are Advisors-at-Large, 1/3 are Class Advisors, and 1/3 are Society Advisors. Class and Society Advisors are selected by a separate process.