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WPAOG Hosts 25th Annual Ring Melt Ceremony
The West Point Association of Graduates hosted the 25th Annual Ring Melt Ceremony in Eisenhower Hall on Friday, January 10, 2025. Family members and guests gathered to witness gold from 73 donated rings be melted and added to the gold which will be used to make the West Point Class of 2026’s class rings.
WPAOG Hosts 24th Annual Class Ring Memorial Program
The West Point Association of Graduates’ Class Ring Memorial Program, more commonly known as “the Ring Melt,” was held in Ike Hall on Friday, January 19, 2024.
Ring Melt for Class of 2024
The West Point Association of Graduates’ Class Ring Memorial Program, more commonly known as “the Ring Melt,” was held in Crest Hall on Friday, January 13, 2023.
Ring Melt for Class of 2023
The West Point Association of Graduates’ Class Ring Memorial Program, more commonly known as “the Ring Melt,” was held in Crest Hall on Friday, January 21, 2022.
Ring Melt for Class of 2022
Vincent and her Class of 2022 classmates placed Jokinen’s ring, along with 51 other donated West Point class rings, into a crucible to be melted at the Ring Memorial Ceremony, held on February 12 at West Point.
Ring Melt for Class of 2021
obey Hewett, the grandson of MG Hobart Hewett, Class of 1919, and the first presenter at the 20th Annual West Point Class Ring Memorial Melt, captured the significance and sublimity of the ceremony perfectly when he told the amazing story of how his grandfather’s ring became part of the Ring Melt for the Class of…
Ring Melt for Class of 2020
Twenty-six donor families, more than a dozen cadets, and representatives from the Academy and WPAOG gathered in Eisenhower Hall’s Crest Hall for the 2019 Ring Melt for the Class of 2020.
Ring Melt for Class of 2019
Attendance at the 2018 Ring Melt for the Class of 2019 set a record, included 26 families representing ring donors, five members of the Academy (including Commandant of Cadets BG Steven Gilland ’90), 15 cadets, and nine representatives from WPAOG.
Ring Melt for Class of 2018
Now in its 17th year, the West Point Association of Graduates Class Ring Memorial “Melt” has incorporated a total of 451 rings, with 41 donated this year for the rings for the Class of 2018.
Ring Melt for Class of 2017
CDT Taylor Endres ’17, Secretary for the Class of 2017, arrived at the Pease & Curren refinery in Warwick, RI on the morning of February 22, 2016 with eight of her classmates confident that she knew what the 16th Annual West Point Class Ring Memorial Melt was all about.
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Media Contact
Danielle Sweet
Director of Online Services