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Class of 2017 Cow Affirmation Ceremony
The Class of 2017 gathered together for their Affirmation Ceremony in Robinson Auditorium, Aug. 16, 2015, renewing the oath they took on The Plain two years ago.
Class of 2018 Yearling Flag Ceremony
As the Class of 2018 finished Cadet Field Training on July 26, members of their 50-Year Affiliation Class of 1968 were on hand to “Grip Hands” and mark the occasion by presenting the newly-promoted cadet corporals with a class flag, which will now be displayed at all Class events at West Point.
Class of 2019 R-Day
Approximately 1,270 cadet candidates, including 280 women, 425 minorities, 17 international cadets, and 13 combat veterans reported to West Point on June 29, Reception Day, for the West Point Class of 2019. During Reception Day, new cadets begin the process of becoming West Point cadets & future U.S. Army officers. They undergo administrative processing, are…
Class of 2018 Crest Unveiling
The Class of 2018 crest states their class motto, “With Strength We Lead” and will hang in Eisenhower Hall’s Crest Room.
Branch Night for the Class of 2015
“Your branch will become part of your identity for the rest of your life.” So said LTG (R) Joseph DeFrancisco ’65 to the members of the Class of 2015 during his 50-Year Affiliation remarks at their Branch Night ceremony on November 20, 2014.
Class of 2015 Ring Weekend
The Class of 2015 gathered together at Trophy Point Amphitheater to receive their class rings during the annual Ring Ceremony, Aug. 22, 2014.
Class of 2016 Cow Affirmation Ceremony
USMA Class of 2016 gathered in Robinson Auditorium, Aug. 17, to affirm their commitment to complete their final two years of study at West Point and serve at least five years of active military service.
Class of 2018 Acceptance Day
The United States Military Academy Corps of Cadets assembled on 16 August, for the Acceptance Day Parade and to officially welcome in the Class of 2018.
Class of 2017 Yearling Flag Ceremony
Six members from the Class of 1967, which is 2017’s 50-Year Affiliation Class, were also at the ceremony and presented CDT Kristi Carrigan ’17, Class President, with 2017’s Class Flag.
“So Others May Dream:” The Class of 2017 Crest Unveiling
One of the highlights of Plebe-Parent Weekend, the Class of 2017 unveiled its Crest on Saturday night at a banquet in the Mess Hall.
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Media Contact
Danielle Sweet
Director of Online Services