Linking the Long Gray Line: WPAOG Career Transition Program
WPAOG has provided career services to graduates for decades. Starting in 1994, WPAOG partnered with the other federal service academies to hold a quarterly Service Academy Career Conference (SACC), a job fair exclusively for service academy grads.
A Conversation with CPT Stephen Gracza ’19: Giving with Gratitude Since Graduation
CPT Stephen Gracza ’19 is a recent inductee into the 1802 Circle, WPAOG’s annual giving society that recognizes donors for their consistent support of West Point.
Planned Giving: Michael Colbert’s Support Reflects West Point’s Finest Traditions
Michael Colbert was a senior in high school when he attended an Army v. Boston College football game in 1968. His father was a proud BC graduate, but Michael’s neighbor in Dedham, Mass., was COL Jack Dewar ’61, who encouraged his young acquaintance to consider the Academy.
Giving Tuesday
West Point Association of Graduates is pleased to be taking part in Giving Tuesday—a global day of celebrating and encouraging philanthropy. Please consider joining us in celebrating this day of giving through a gift to West Point. Donations are essential to support additional developmental programs for cadets that go beyond the core elements to create the Margin…
International Margin of Excellence Opportunities
A Conversation with Cadet Sylvi Imrem ’24, USMA Persian Language Major with a Cyber Engineering Track
New WPAOG Family Shuttle Honors Fallen Cadet Surdyke
Families visiting West Point now have a new transportation option, thanks to a generous donation by Timothy (Tim) and Janice Surdyke through the Cadet Thomas Surdyke Memorial Foundation Endowment.
Leading through Volunteerism
Over the years Nina Leslie and COL (R) Robert Leslie ’69 have played a significant role supporting cadets and Old Grads with their time and through donations, with a focus on the West Point Society of the San Francisco Bay Area and the West Point Cyber Research Center.
WPAOG to Launch Veterans Services Program
To this end, WPAOG is launching a new Veterans Services Program to provide support to USMA graduates and Associate Members during times of transition or need, and to aid in navigating Veterans Administration programs.
The Olmsted Legacy: A Century of Service and Leadership
In the days leading up to the contest, practicing under wretched weather conditions at West Point with a steady fall of sleet and hail, the Army football team prepared for the 24th Army-Navy game set to take place at the Polo Grounds in New York City on November 26, 1921.
Bloomberg Philanthropies: Expanding and Enhancing the Technical Scholars Program
The Technical Scholars Program (TSP) focuses on supporting cadets specifically pursuing STEM-focused scholarships; this includes two undergraduate scholarships (Astronaut Scholarship and Goldwater Scholarship) as well as the following graduate- level scholarships: Churchill Scholarship, Draper Laboratory Fellowship, Hertz Foundation Fellowship, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Fellowship, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, and Purdue Military Research Institute Fellowship.