Class of 2020 Crest Unveiling
“With Vision We Lead” isn’t just some pun on our class year; it’s a philosophy that as the leaders of the future, we have a responsibility to have a vision for it, and to see that vision through.
Branch Night for the Class of 2017
Branch Night electrifies First Class cadets like no other event, save for Graduation. “We are super excited, super pumped up,” said CDT Bobby Provine ’17 as he and his E-4 company mates entered Eisenhower Auditorium for the event.
Class of 2017 Ring Weekend
Surrounded by family and friends, the U.S. Military Academy Class of 2017 assembled at Trophy Point Aug. 26, 2016 to receive their class rings during the annual Ring Ceremony.
Class of 2018 Cow Affirmation Ceremony
U.S. Military Academy Class of 2018 cadets take the Oath of Affirmation during a ceremony Aug. 14 in Robinson Auditorium at West Point, officially committing themselves to the profession of arms.
Class of 2020 Acceptance Day
The Class of 2020 officially become members of the Corps of Cadets after the successful completion of Cadet Basic Training Aug. 13.
Class of 2019 Yearling Flag Ceremony
On the day they received their cadet corporal bar insignia after successfully completing Cadet Field Training (CFT), the members of the Class of 2019 got something else to forge their identity at West Point, their Class Flag.
The Class of 2016 Graduation
Nearly 30,000 family members, friends, and guests packed West Point’s Michie Stadium for the Graduation of the Class of 2016.
Class of 2019 Crest Unveiling
The crest is beautifully crafted, incorporating their class motto, SO FREEDOM WILL REIGN, their class numerals, the American Eagle, the letters USMA, an officer’s sword and a cadet saber, with a draped U.S. flag displaying 12 stars as a backdrop. A thirteenth star is emblazoned upon the Roman numerals XIX. A complete explanation of the…
Branch Night for the Class of 2016
After four years of learning about the 17 branches of the U.S. Army through initiatives surrounding the Branch Education and Mentorship Program (e.g. Branch Week, military instruction courses, summer training, etc.), members of the Class of 2016 packed the orchestra level of Eisenhower Hall by company to learn of their future officer identity in the…
Class of 2016 Ring Weekend
The Class of 2016 gathered together at Trophy Point Amphitheater to receive their class rings during the annual Ring Ceremony, Aug. 28, 2015.