Army Football Names Captains for 2023 Season
The Army West Point football team and Head Coach Jeff Monken have announced their team captains for the 2023 season.
West Point Society of Annapolis Celebrates Army-Navy Victories
On Saturday, April 22, 2023, the West Point Society of Annapolis (WPSOA) joined the Army men’s lacrosse team parents and the Army Lacrosse Association in sponsoring the Army Lacrosse Tailgate prior to the Army-Navy lacrosse game at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium.
Six Receive Annual Coach K Awards
On May 4, 2023, the U.S. Military Academy welcomed Coach Mike Krzyzewski ’69 and celebrated the 17th Annual Mike Krzyzewski Teaching Character Through Sport Award at Washington Hall.
Declare It! 20 Years of Women’s Army Rugby
Women’s Rugby at the Academy has not only contributed to the athletic laurels of the Black Knights but also to the skills learned on the pitch that have contributed to grad success in the Army.
Meet CDT Gabriel ’24: West Point’s Future Army Physician Scientist
This episode of the WPAOG Podcast features a conversation with CDT Justus Gabriel ‘24.
West Point Cadets Compete in Mid-Hudson Regional Business Plan Competition
Include an excerpt to tease story.
West Point Pre-Medical Society Receives CPR & AED Training
On March 22, 2023, the West Point Pre-Medical Society (WPPMS) received hands-on CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AED (automated external defibrillator) training provided by U.S. Army Medical Recruiters.
Cadets Attend Joint Service Academies Mass Atrocity Prevention Symposium
Last week, cadets attended the Joint Service Academies Mass Atrocity Prevention Symposium at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
Cadets Present Microplastic Project in Virginia
Geography and Environmental Engineering West Point Cadets Mackenzie Karnig ’24, Colton Snodgrass ’24, and Kyle Bryce ’24, along with Cadets Kristen Guiney ’23 and Kiley Sweet ’23 from the West Point Department of Chemistry and Life Science presented their research on microplastics at Geological Society of America’s Joint Southeastern & Northeastern Section Meeting in Reston,…
PANE cadets, Excel Scholars Tour National Labs
Over spring break, cadets from the Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering and our Excel Scholars Program toured Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the Defense Nuclear Weapons School Museum, along with LTC Peter Nelson, Director of our Nuclear Engineering Course, and Mr. Michael Tobin, the Class of ‘67…