West Point Classes of 1984, 2004, 2014 Give Back
The West Point Classes of 1984, 2004 and 2014 joined the long tradition of giving back to West Point. In a collective effort, these classes engaged in fundraising campaigns in the years leading up to milestone reunions, where they presented class gifts to their Alma Mater.
The Special Forces Scholar
Since 1960, nearly 150 West Point graduates have pursued graduate study as Olmsted Scholars, many of whom later rose to important positions of senior leadership in the Army (including Ambassador and General John P. Abizaid ’73 [Retired], former Commander, U.S. Central Command; and Lieutenant General Patrick J. Donahue ’80 [Retired], former Deputy Commander, U.S. Army…
Duty, Honor, Country—All the Way!
“Stand up! Hook up! Shuffle to the door! Airborne!” Now imagine taking a long walk toward, not away from, a mine or IED and diffusing it without a bomb suit or robot, instead with what could be jumped in: rope, scissors, and explosives. Fire in the hole! Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) combined with Airborne—that’s courageous,…
Cadets Embark on History of Western Economics AIAD in Europe
From the barracks to the banks of Europe, five cadets embarked on the History of Western Economics AIAD to explore the evolution of economic ideas and institutions from the late Roman Empire to the present day.
Overcoming Obstacles: Redesigning the IOCT
Due to potential future renovations of Hayes Gymnasium, the Arvin Cadet Physical Development Center is seeking an alternative space to house the Indoor Obstacle Course Test (IOCT) for several years. The test became a stand-alone graduation requirement beginning with the Class of 1977.
Beto ’14 Selected as Olmsted Scholar
CPT Louis A. Beto ’14 was recently selected by The George and Carol Olmsted Foundation as a member of the Olmsted Scholar Class of 2025. Over the next three years, Beto will complete language training and pursue graduate studies on a full scholarship in Istanbul, Türkiye.
Class of 2014 10th Reunion
Welcome back to your Rockbound Highland Home for your class’s 10th reunion, a time to Grip Hands with classmates as you relive fond memories from your cadet days and forge new memories with one another. WPAOG, whose mission and vision are to help you maintain connections with the Academy and members of the Long Gray…
West Point Grads Made Bracelet Taylor Swift Wore at AFC Championship Game
A jewelry company owned by two West Point graduates and former Army Rangers has seen its sales increase by 2,000 percent since Taylor Swift hugged her NFL boyfriend, Travis Kelce, wearing one of their diamond tennis bracelets.
Two West Point Grads Named Olmsted Scholars
Two active duty West Point graduates were recently selected by The George and Carol Olmsted Foundation as members of the Olmsted Scholar Class of 2024.
Setting Priorities and Acting on Them
This episode features a conversation with Brian Elliott ’14 and Andrew Wolgemuth ’15, Co-Founders of Wove.