Leveraging West Point for Innovation
Starting on R-day, all new cadets begin to internalize the adage “collaborate to graduate,” which includes forming shared experiences with their classmates and eventually bonding with fellow alums while serving domestically or abroad (and even at the Army-Navy Game). The West Point experience develops this spirit of collaboration in all graduates.
Duty, Honor, Country—All the Way!
“Stand up! Hook up! Shuffle to the door! Airborne!” Now imagine taking a long walk toward, not away from, a mine or IED and diffusing it without a bomb suit or robot, instead with what could be jumped in: rope, scissors, and explosives. Fire in the hole! Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) combined with Airborne—that’s courageous,…
Cadets Embark on History of Western Economics AIAD in Europe
From the barracks to the banks of Europe, five cadets embarked on the History of Western Economics AIAD to explore the evolution of economic ideas and institutions from the late Roman Empire to the present day.
The Long International Gray Line
I first heard about West Point in the mid-1970s because a couple of guys from my high school had attended. Early in my senior year (1979), representatives from the U.S. Military Group, located in Tegucigalpa, visited my high school and spoke to my class about the opportunity of applying to USMA and the other service…
Podcast: Fueling Success with Kyle Maggard ’12, CEO and Founder of Over Easy Foods
This episode features an interview with Kyle Maggard, West Point grad, class of 2012, CEO and Founder at Over Easy Foods, a healthy snack food company with the mission to help Americans live healthier and happier lives.
One of the First Female Army Rangers Returns to Alma Mater
U.S. Army MAJ Shaye Haver ’12 spoke to the entire Copperas Cove High School student body during two separate assemblies in the Bulldawg Gymnasium.
The Oath and Trust of Commissioned Officers with MX400
This episode of the WPAOG Podcast features a conversation with LTC Tom Dull, MAJ(P) Ben Elliott, MAJ Marc Meybaum, and CPT Brian Martinez.
MAJ(P) Ben Griffin ’06 and MAJ Jacob Henry ’12 Present at Conference Alongside Other Faculty
Several West Point Department of History faculty members presented in Oslo at the Norwegian Armed Forces’ International Research and Development Conference, “Land Operations and Combined Arms – Lessons Identified from the War in Ukraine.”
CPT Lindsay G. Heisler ’12 Receives Nininger Award
Captain Lindsay Gordon Heisler ’12 receives West Point Nininger Award.
Branch Night for the Class of 2012
At the branch notification ceremony on Dec. 1, the Class of 2012 discovered how they will serve as officers in the U.S. Army—whether it be Infantry, Quartermaster, and Air Defense or in any of the 16 branches.