Banks ’87 Named New Director of Rice University’s Doerr Institute for New Leaders
Bernard “Bernie” Banks ’87 will join Rice University’s Doerr Institute for New Leaders as its director, effective Jan. 1. He is a noted expert on leadership and organizational change, a sought-after speaker and an Army veteran.
LTG Karbler ’87 Tells Students To ‘Be All They Can Be’
Surrounded by an audience of more than 900 students, eight future Soldiers took their oath of enlistment, Oct. 20 in the Paul G. Blazer High School gym. The eight raised their right hands and restated the oath, administered by Lt. Gen. Daniel Karbler ’87, commanding general of U.S Army Space and Missile Defense Command.
Podcast: Physically Fit and Mentally Tough with COL Nicholas Gist ‘94 and Dr. Jesse Germain ‘87
This episode features an interview with COL Nick Gist, Head of the Department of Physical Education at West Point, class of 1994, and Dr. Jesse Germain, Director of Kinesiology at West Point, class of 1987.
Daly ’87 Reflects on Career Upon Retirement as Four-Star General
GEN (R) Ed Daly’s ’87 Army story is one full of obstacles and possibilities, both of which allowed him to serve in this Profession of Arms for more than 35 years.
Harmon ’87 Named to The 2023 Heavy Hitters List: Virginia’s 50 most Powerful and Influential Execs
A nationally recognized trial lawyer, Jonathan Harmon ’87 has led the state’s largest law firm since 2017, the first Black man to do so.
Character Education as a Pillar of Development
This episode features an interview between Dr. Yasmine Kalkstein, the Lead Character Integrator and Associate Professor at United States Military Academy at West Point, and Dr. Jeffrey Peterson, the Director of the Character Integration Advisory Group (CIAG), at the United States Military Academy.