West Point cadets participating in the Study Abroad Program (SAP) in Latvia attended the Vilnius Security Forum on February 20, a conference in Lithuania dedicated to discussing security issues in Eastern Europe.
During the conference, cadets were able to hear from several West Point graduates, including James Carafano ’77, Ben Hodges ’80, H.R. McMaster ’84, Steve Olejasz ’90, Jeff Jennette ’91, MAJ Chris Hawkins ’11, and the Lithuanian Chairman of the Committee on National Security and Defense, Giedrimas Jeglinskas ’03.

Cadets engaged with various topics discussed at the conference, including interoperability of the Baltic countries, strategic deterrence against Russia, and modernizing defense capabilities to counter hybrid threats. Attending the conference allowed the cadets to gain a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of the Baltics. While in Vilnius, the cadets also visited the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania and spoke with cadets and officers about their program. Additionally, cadets visited the Lithuanian Parliament Building, or “Seimas.”
This conference helped West Point cadets understand the complexities of international relations and how they impact military and diplomatic decision-making. By engaging directly with experts in the field, cadets gained first-hand experience that will shape their perspectives as future leaders in the U.S. Army.
Opportunities like these are made possible by graduates and friends of West Point supporting the WPAOG Margin of Excellence.