
10% discount for multiple books or editions

$595 for West Point affiliated authors

(Grads, spouses, cadet parents, USMA professors)

$795 for non-affiliated authors

Published in Spring and Fall Editions only!

West Point Authors Bookshelf

For more information contact:

Austin Hunt
Sponsorships/Advertising Manager
845.446.1646/ 1582

Advertising Rates and Specs: westpointaog.org/Advertise
Artwork submissions: ads@wpaog.org

Submission Guidelines *

Please include the following with your submission:

  1. A high resolution front cover image (at least 1MB, jpeg preferred)
  2. Entire ad content must total no more than 90 words including:
    • Book title
    • Author name (w/ class year if a Grad)
    • Brief description
    • Bookseller info
  3. A Microsoft Word document is preferred for copy submission
  4. Examples of bookseller info: “Available at Amazon.com” or “Available at Barnes & Noble”

West Point Authors Bookshelf Deadlines

Issue DateSpace ReservationsMaterials Due

West Point Bookshelf Page Readership Demographics

West Point Magazine Cover - Fall 2022

West Point magazine is the official alumni magazine for graduates of the United States Military Academy. It is published quarterly and has a circulation of 59,000 + per issue.) The West Point Authors Bookshelf Page appears 2x/ year in the Spring & Fall editions.

  • All living graduates of the United States Military Academy
  • Surviving spouses of graduates
  • Current cadet parents
  • Faculty, staff, and friends of West Point

Digital editions are available online at: WestPointAOG.org/WestPointMagazinePastIssues.

West Point Authors Bookshelf may also be promoted through WPAOG Grad News on our “News Room” webpage.

View and print West Point Authors Bookshelf PDF here.

*The West Point Association of Graduates’ editorial review committee has the right to refuse West Point Authors Bookshelf advertising based upon a review and evaluation of submitted excerpts and or publicly available book reviews and publisher’s submissions. Criteria include 1) use of profanity, vulgarity and or slanderous language; 2) disparaging content that could be harmful to the Corps of Cadets, US Army and or Military; and 3) misalignment with the WPAOG mission to support West Point and the Long Gray Line.