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Andrew T. McNamara  1928

Cullum No. 8478-1928 | April 6, 2002 | Died in Ft. Belvoir, VA
Interred in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

Andrew Thomas McNamara, the only son of four, was born to an Irish Catholic family with strong family ties. His father was an immigrant barber in East Providence, RI, and a good one at that. "Mac" came to West Point with strong recommendations from local officials who recognized both his leadership and athletic skills and believed he had the potential to be a good military leader. Andy carried his strong family values with him and never compromised or wavered from them his entire life. Classmate COL Tom Wells remembers Andy in a letter stating, "We were as close as two peas in a pod, physically, for the entire four years, and I grew very fond of him." Mac was commissioned in the Infantry and embarked upon a military career that would span 36 years, covering a spectrum from support by horse and mule-drawn wagons to support of astronauts in outer space.

His first assignment was with the 28th Infantry at Madison Barracks. Here, at first sight, he was smitten by Margaret Catherine Tripp, also known as "Pidge," a nickname given to her by her brothers. Andrew and Margaret were married on 12 Feb 1931 and left to join the 35th Infantry at Schofield Barracks, where he served until June 1933. During the next two years, he graduated from the Infantry School and then QM Subsistence School in Chicago, where his first son, Andrew T. McNamara III, was born in 1935. In 1937, Mac was assigned to Ft. Devens and officially transferred to the Quartermaster Corps. While at Ft. Devens, Andrew and Margaret welcomed their second son, William T. McNamara.

Mac went to England with the II Corps in June 1942. The following November, he was appointed Chief QM, II Corps, and established the principal supply line in North Africa during Operation TORCH. MG Robert M. Littlejohn, then Chief QM of the European Theater, praised the outstanding job done by "that brilliant COL McNamara." In September 1943, following the campaign in Sicily, Andy returned to England as Chief QM, First Army, to prepare for the D Day landing at Normandy. For his part in that operation, he earned the Bronze Star. As Allied forces pushed across Western Europe, Andy continued to provide valuable service. Units under his command supplied a minimum of 12 divisions, which later swelled to 22 by the war’s end. When the Germans launched their counter-attack, known as the Battle of the Buldge, Mac sensed that the enemy’s immediate objective was to seize Allied supplies, especially gasoline. First Army Quartermaster’s responded with great zeal, and he personally directed the evacuation of a huge U.S. supply dump just one mile ahead of the advancing enemy. By denying the enemy that fuel, coupled by the staunch defense by the ground units, their attack stalled and, by January, First Army had restored its line of communications. For his outstanding service in North Africa and Europe, Andy was awarded the DSM, ACM, the French Croix de Guerre avecpalm, and decorations from Luxembourg and Belgium.

After the war, he served as QM, First Army, at Ft. Bragg. In February 1946, he was appointed Chief of the Subsistence Branch, OQMG, in Washington, DC. After graduating from the War College in 1948, he was assigned to the Plans and Operations Division, Army General Staff, and then became the assistant to the executive secretary of the Secretary of Defense. In 1950 he became the commandant of the Army’s QM School, where he instituted a major reorganization of the command, stepped up training to meet the special requirements of the Korean War, and oversaw the consolidation of airborne logistics operations and training. During 1951-57, he served in various positions with the Army staff, the Office of the Deputy of Staff (Logistics), and U.S. Army Europe. During 1957-61, he was QM of the Army and under his skilled leadership, QM activities expanded around the world. Also as QMG, Andy personally presented President Dwight D. Eisenhower the 49th and 50th U.S. flags.

Mac was promoted to lieutenant general and assigned as the deputy commanding general, Eighth Army, in 1961 but in September he was summoned back to the States to become the first director of the new Defense Supply Agency, now the Defense Logistics Agency. He and his small staff of roughly 100 planners built up the infant agency, making significant savings in time, money, and personnel. Andy received the first oak leaf cluster to the DSM for "exceptionally meritorious service." In addition, the University of Rhode Island conferred the honorary degree of doctor of laws upon him in 1962.

Following retirement Andy passed up lucrative job offers because he wanted to cultivate the relationship between the military and industry. He served for another decade as president and secretary of the Defense Supply Association (renamed the American Logistics Association) . His avid hobby was authoring children’s books in his spare time.

In 1998, the QM Corps inducted him into the Ancient Order of Saint Martin and later dedicated a wing of the QM museum in his name. The Defense Logistics Agency inducted him into their Hall of Fame and also dedicated a gallery in his honor in 2000. In 2001, the DLA headquarters was named the "AndrewT. McNamara building." As LTG Henry T. Glisson, the director of DLA, stated, the dedication "is not because Andy McNamara was the first director of DLA, but because I know of no one that personifies ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ more than Andrew T. McNamara. " Fiercely loyal, Andy knew that he was not the only one who deserved recognition and was extremely conscious of the fact that he was just a member of a team that performed well. His success stemmed from the fact that he had surrounded himself in excellence and simply let his teammates perform.

Andy's beloved wife and lifelong companion of 66 years preceded him in death on 16 Oct 1997. His first son, Andrew T. McNamara III, died on 5 Nov 1985. Both he and Pidge were paragons as parents, mentors, and friends, their love for their family, extended family, and friends was boundless, and they gave it freely. Both were recognized for their strong faith as Roman Catholics. As Andy succumbed to pneumonia, he joined the Long Gray Line and now rests with his lovely bride on Quartermaster Hill in Arlington National Cemetery, surrounded by family, friends, and great soldiers.

The highlight for me was marching with him on The Plain— shoulder to shoulder—and several other of his classmates and sons, during their 70th Reunion at West Point. I think of him every day when I see his 50th star flag waving over "this land of the free and home of the brave." Be thou at peace with mom and Tom, dad.

WTM ’60, PAM, and DLA






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