Finance Staff
Our staff of seven highly seasoned professionals exercises the highest level of financial integrity and transparency; while, ensuring sound financial, budgetary, and operational controls are present. The department oversees the following external filings: Audited Financial Statements, Form 990 tax return, Regulatory Filings, Internally we support:
- Investments—working with the Investment Committee overseeing more than $190 million in assets
- Endowments—more than 232 accounts with a value in excess of $138 million
- Class Administration Account—78 accounts classes
- Class Gift Accounts—70 accounts classes
- Other Restricted Gifts
- Gift Shop
- Alumni Events
We work closely with the Audit and Compliance, Investment and Finance Committees of the Board of Directors to ensure accurate and timely reporting. We are here to support West Point and its Graduates. Finally, we work with all the class leadership members to provide financial information on class gifts and class administration accounts. We are here to support the alumni effort and fundraising efforts. In the spirit of transparency, we encourage you to review all of our links.
Executive Staff | Financial Services | Reports/Investments/Budget