
Important Update

Important Update

Notice is hereby given that the 2024 Annual Meeting for regular members of the West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG) will take place on Tuesday, November 19 at 5:00 pm Eastern Time in the Herbert Hall Alumni Center, 698 Mills Road, West Point, New York 10996. The business of the meeting will be to elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, five members to our Board of Directors, and six Advisors at Large.

1835Amicitiae Periculique Foedus [Danger Brings Forth Friendship]
1840Ready for Either & Adsum Amicus [I Stand By My Friends]
1841Dinna Forget
1843T.I.O. [significance unknown]
1845Unitas Amicitia [Unity in Friendship]
1847Nous Nous soutenons [We Stand Together]
1849Spectemur Agendo [Let Us Be Judged By Our Acts]
1850As One, For One
1851Pro Marte Et Arte [For War and Skill]
1852Inter Nos [Between Us]
1853We Separate for Service
1854When Our Country Calls
1855Arma Pacis Fulcra [Armed Strength for Peace]
1856Spearated Yet United
1857Above Us or Around Us
1858For These We Strive
1859Ad Utrumque Paratus. In Utroque Fidelis.
1860Gardez La Sans Tache [Remain Without Blemish]
1861 Fidele A Outrance [Faithful Unto Death]
1861 Per Angusta, As Augusta [Through Difficulties to Honors]
1862In Causam Communem Conjuncti [Joined in a Common Cause]
1864Uno Aliam [United, We Go Our Separate Ways]
1865La Patria Arma El Acto [Our Country is the Reason for our actions]
1866Non Sibi Sed Patriae [Not for Self, But for Country]
1867Deo Duce-Ferro Comitante [Carrying the Sword, We Follow God]
1868Cor Unum, Viae Diversae [One in Heart Though Our Paths Are Divided]
1869Tam Marte, Quam Minerva [Military Art, as well as Science]
1870Spectemur Agendo [Let Us Be Judged By our Acts]
1871Loyaute M’Oblige [Loyalty Obliges Me]
1872Vota Vita Mea [My Oath is My Life]
1873Omnia Pro Patria [All for Country]
1881In the Bonds of ’81 & Animo Non Verbis [Courage Not Words]
1950Nifty Fifty
1953 Ready to Lead
1958’58 is Great
1959None So Fine As ‘59
1960Go Like ‘60
1961Second to None
1962Can Do
1964Stars in Store for ‘64
1965Strength and Drive, ‘65
1966Fame Will Mix with ‘66
1967None Will Surpass ’67 Class
1968No Task Too Great for ‘68
1969Best of the Line, ‘69
1970Serve with Integrity, ‘70
1971Professionally Done by ‘71
1972Proud and True, ’72
1973Proud and Free, ‘73
1974Pride of the Corps, ‘74
1975Courage and Drive ,‘75
1976Spirit of ‘76
1977Esprit de Corps
1978Proud and Great
1979Top of The Line
1980Pride and Excellence
1981Strength as One, ‘81
1982The Select Few
1983Proud to Be ‘83
1984Best of the Corps
1985For Excellence We Strive ‘85
1986Courage Never Quits
1987Our Country We Strengthen
1988No Task Too Great
1989We Strengthen the Line
1990The Proud and Mighty
1991Duty Shall Be Done
1992The Brave and the Few
1993Defenders of the Free
1994With Courage We Soar, ‘94
1995With Honor We Strive
1996For Freedom We Risk
1997With Pride We Defend
1998Duty Will Not Wait
1999With Duty in Mind
2000With Honor in Hand
2001‘Til Duty is Done
2002Pride in All We Do
2003Protectors of the Free
2004For Country and Corps
2005Keeping Freedom Alive
2006Never Falter Never Quit
2007Always Remember Never Surrender
2008No Mission Too Great
2009For Your Freedom and Mine
2010Loyal ‘Til the End
2011For Freedom We Fight
2012For More Than Ourselves
2013Defending the Dream
2014Forever One Team
2015For Those We Lead
2016With Honor We Lead
2017So Others May Dream
2018With Strength We Lead
2019So Freedom Will Reign
2020With Vision We Lead
2021Until the Battle is Won
2022For Many, Stand the Few [Pro Multis Pauci Praesident]
2023Freedom is not Free
2024Like None Before
2025Together We Thrive
2026For Country We Commit
2027Earned Not Given
2028No Calling Too Great