
Important Update

Important Update

Notice is hereby given that the 2024 Annual Meeting for regular members of the West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG) will take place on Tuesday, November 19 at 5:00 pm Eastern Time in the Herbert Hall Alumni Center, 698 Mills Road, West Point, New York 10996. The business of the meeting will be to elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, five members to our Board of Directors, and six Advisors at Large.


Advertising with the West Point Association of Graduates print and digital communications provides your business with the opportunity to reach one of the world’s premier target audiences:

All living graduates of the United States Military Academy
Surviving spouses of graduates
Current cadet parents
Faculty, staff, and friends of West Point

Summer 2024 Edition of West Point Magazine

West Point Magazine

West Point magazine is the official alumni magazine for graduates of the United States Military Academy. It is published quarterly and has a circulation of 59,000 + per issue. West Point offers fresh content focusing on the Academy of today while also highlighting the 200-year-old traditions that unite all members of the Long Gray Line. Digital editions are available online at WestPointAOG.org/WestPointMagazinepastissues.

First Call

First Call, WPAOG’s e-Newsletter for all West Point graduates, is issued twice a month. This digest of Academy, graduate and cadetrelated news content and photography is curated for maximum interest to graduates. It regularly reaches over 49,700+ actively engaged West Point graduates and achieves an outstanding open rate of over 57 percent.

Parent Review

Parent Review, WPAOG’s e-Newsletter created specifically for the 5,000+ parents of current cadets, is distributed once a month and achieves an outstanding open rate of over 67 percent.

First Call June 26, 2024
WPAOG Bookshelf

West Point Authors Bookshelf

West Point Authors Bookshelf is a special section within West Point magazine that showcases West Point graduate and faculty authors, as well as selected books about West Point.

For more information contact:

Austin Hunt, Sponsorships/Advertising Manager
845.446.1601/ 1582 or ads@wpaog.org
Advertising Rates and Specs: westpointaog.org/Advertise
Artwork submissions: ads@wpaog.org

Our Audience by the Numbers

Participation Rate


the national average for engaged alumni

Disposable Income


in their prime earning years

Decision Makers


are at the executive level



work in decision-making positions

Employed in key industries . . .

Financial Services

Medical Device

By top companies . . .

JP Morgan Chase
Department of the Army

Bank of America
Lockheed Martin

Our Audience by Region

WPAOG Audience by Region


19.33% (9,551)
Pacific: 4,033
Mountain: 5,518


12.85% (6,348)
East No. Central: 3,894
West No. Central: 2,454


16.49% (8,150)
Mid-Atlantic: 5,880
New England: 2,270


51.33% (25,366)
So. Atlantic: 16,013
West So. Central: 6,237
East So. Central: 3,116


2.09% (1,056)
Overseas: 1,020
U.S. Territories: 36

Top Metro Areas

Washington, DC | New York, NY | Dallas, TX | Atlanta, Georgia

About West Point

The United States Military Academy at West Point is a four-year, co-educational, federal, liberal arts college located 50 miles north of New York City. It was founded in 1802 as America’s first college of engineering, and continues today as the world’s premier leaderdevelopment institution, consistently ranked among top colleges in the country. Its mission remains constant—to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the U. S. Army.

West Point magazine Rates
(includes online digital edition)

C2$ 6,342$ 6,025$ 5,670
Page 15,3895,1204,850
Full Page4,6204,1893,969
1/2 Page3,1713,0122,854
1/3 Page2,5352,4092,283
1/4 Page1,9031,8081,712
Magazine Wrap13,23012,569N/A

FILES FOR ALL PRINT ADS MUST BE NAMED AS FOLLOWS: Company name_year-season_size of ad

West Point magazine and e-Newsletter combination rates are available upon request.

West Point magazine deadlines*

Issue DateSpace ReservationsMaterials Due

*Dates are subject to change. Printed wraps must be provided 8 weeks prior to print deadline. For specific dates, contact ads@wpaog.org

West Point Author Bookshelf Rates*

Per issue (Spring or Fall)
West Point affiliated authors
(Grads, spouses, cadet parents, USMA professors)
Non-affiliated authors$795

Please include the following with your submission:

  • A high resolution front cover image (at least 1MB, jpeg preferred)
  • Entire ad content must total no more than 90 words including: book title, author name (w/class year if a grad), brief description of book, and bookseller info. Microsoft Word is preferred for copy submission.

West Point Author Bookshelf Deadlines

Issue DateSpace ReservationsMaterials Due

e-Newsletter Rates (includes First Call and Parent Review)

Per month (2 issues)
Standard size ad (275w x 80h pixels at 72 ppi)$800
Large size ad (275w x 147h pixels at 72 ppi)$1,500

Deadline for space reservations and materials is one month prior to issue date.

e-Newsletter ad format: RGB jpeg. Files may be emailed to ads@wpaog.org.

FILES FOR ALL DIGITAL ADS MUST BE NAMED AS FOLLOWS: Company name_year-season_Newsletter title

e-Newsletter Ad Sizes


  1. Advertising accepted for West Point magazine and First Call and Parent Review e-Newsletters must be pre-paid by materials deadline.
  2. Those advertisers contracted for premium placement receive “first right of refusal” for same placement on a consecutive contract.
  3. Advertisers are limited to 2 insertions in one issue of West Point magazine due to space limitations (does not include sponsorship recognition).
  4. Advertisements for political causes, candidates and campaigns are prohibited.

For more information contact:

Austin Hunt, Sponsorships/Advertising Manager
845.446.1601/ 1582 or ads@wpaog.org
Advertising Rates and Specs: westpointaog.org/Advertise
Artwork submissions: ads@wpaog.org

View and print WPAOG Media Kit PDF here.

*The West Point Association of Graduates’ editorial review committee has the right to refuse Authors Bookshelf advertising based upon a review and evaluation of submitted excerpts and or publicly available book reviews and publisher’s submissions. Criteria include 1) use of profanity, vulgarity and or slanderous language; 2) disparaging content that could be harmful to the Corps of Cadets, US Army and or Military; and 3) misalignment with the WPAOG mission to support West Point and the Long Gray Line.

Digital file(s) required for all ad submissions. Format: PDF/X-1a. High resolution (300dpi) PDF files must be provided as CMYK with fonts and images embedded. Files may be emailed to ads@wpaog.org.